Mighty Green Carpet Cleaning

It doesn’t matter how clean your carpet and space are. If there’s a stain on your carpet, your carpet and your space in general will appear dirty or messy. There’s no fun in having to explain to every guest that it’s just a stain and you’ve done everything you can to get rid of it but failed. You may even be tempted to throw that carpet out. But wait… There’s hope for your carpet yet. We at Mighty Green Carpet and Tile have seen just about every type of stain and found ways to restore carpets with even the most stubborn stains. Below, we share some of our top tips for how to get stains out of a carpet.

How to Get Tough Stains Out of Carpet

If you’ve ever wondered or searched the internet about ‘what gets stains out of a carpet’, you’re in luck. Below we share some of our top tips for getting some of the most stubborn stains out of carpets. Read on to find a solution to those icky stubborn stains.

  1. Kool Aid

Anyone that has had kool-aid (or any other juice) spilt on their carpets knows how stubborn these stains can be. Fortunately they can be dealt with as follows.

  1. Coffee

There’s nothing better than a cup of hot coffee on a dull morning. But your day can quickly go downhill when you spill that coffee on your carpet. Fortunately, you can get coffee stains out of the carpet especially when you act quickly.

  1. Ink

Ink stains can be especially tricky to tackle as they spread quickly. Acting quickly is especially important when dealing with ink stains.

  1. Pet stains

While pets are great to have, they can make a mess. When this causes a stain on your carpet it can be difficult to deal with.

Get Stain Out of Carpet with Professional Help

Still having a hard time getting rid of stains? Still searching the internet for ‘what takes stains out of carpet’? Get in touch with us, Mighty Green Carpet and Tile for professional carpet cleaning in Paso Robles. We’ll get rid of even the toughest stains and restore your carpets.

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